Hi folks!

Have a book you would like me to review? I am more than willing to take on author and publisher submissions to read and review your book(s)! So lets start off with the basics:

Preferred Media:

I prefer paper copy when possible. There’s just something about the feel of a real book in my hands! However, if your book is only available digitally don’t despair, I am willing to read digital books, all I ask is that they be Kindle compatible!

Preferred Genres:

I’ll read just about anything, but I do have my preferences, and I’ll be more likely to want to read your book if it falls into one of the genres below:

  • History (Fictional and Nonfiction)
  • Sci-Fi
  • Horror
  • Graphic Novels
  • Non-Fiction (most topics)
  • Humor
  • True Crime
  • Science
  • Mystery/Thriller
  • Literary Fiction
  • YA (occasionaly)

I’m not especially fond of “chick-lit” or romance, and I don’t review children’s (picture) books (sorry).


So I agreed to read your book, now what? I do review every book submitted. However, due to my workload, the wait time on getting the review published can be a long one. I will always try to give you an idea of how long the wait is when you submit. Please try to be patient with me!

If you are submitting a book before its release date, I will make a special effort to get your review live prior to its release (generally the Saturday before the release date, though this might change depending on the number of reviews I have in the works). If your are submitting an advance copy, be sure to confirm the release date with me so I can get your review out in a timely manner.

Though I do strive to stay positive in my reviews (after all, my tastes are not universal), I do review books honestly. If I don’t like a book, I will say as much. Keep this in mind.


You can use the Contact form on my blog, or email me at irregularreader@gmail.com to inquire about submissions, wait time, and where to send your book. I try to stay on top of my emails, but am not always successful. If you haven’t gotten a reply within a week or so, I would send me a gentle reminder! I will generally always respond, whether I choose to review your book or not.